Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


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10 entries this month

19:37 Apr 30 2017
Times Read: 483

Photos tours of a Sanatorium and two prisons on the books.

Miss the weight of the camera in my hand, the click of the shuttle release.

Can you say "Happy Rat"? :D



23:37 Apr 30 2017

I went to Waverly last weekend


01:39 Apr 29 2017
Times Read: 465

Military Inspectors showed up yesterday. Drove up to the locked entrance of the warehouse. Before 8:00 a.m. mind you.

Use to that would bring me some stress, just opening up and turn to find the inspectors at my door. Here to check the building- check for mold, make sure it is clean, pest control records. Then pull up the alarms monthly inspection and records, fire equipment up to date.

As well as random shipment to check the location system, paperwork in order on the storage info.

Then another random shipment that had been delivered out - check on the paperwork, timely delivery, claims, damage reports.

Yes- my heart would of speed up, stress level jump. Not that we had issues, one of the best warehouse in our Army Depot service area. Only once in the last 20 years did we go below a 100. Darn couch in a unloaded storage shipment that came in, not put into crates yet. Blocked the marked fire path.... silly couch. Now- if you were in a burning building- couldn't you push it the 2 feet to unblock the 6 foot path?

So to say they can get nick picky ... yeah.

But still- you get that leap.

Today? Going outside of the home to tell them we had been closed since May 1st of last year..... my only worry was if the scrambled eggs I had just put into the hot pan as I cooked the family a nice breakfast was going to burn before I could get these two people caught up with the news that was reported back in April 1st, per regulations.





18:02 Apr 25 2017
Times Read: 481

Tomorrow I get my 12 year batty. :D



18:06 Apr 25 2017

Happy early 12 year batty "smiles"

18:33 Apr 25 2017


17:20 Apr 26 2017

Thank You both. :)


21:35 Apr 19 2017
Times Read: 503

Not a big weight lifting person but... my shoulder is killing me. While I rested this weekend I did get up and do some hand weights I had at home to try and work the soreness out. Seemed to work. That was Saturday night and I had little pain since... till last night.

So I noticed last night the same issue was coming back- sleeping on my side as I can not sleep on my back due to back injury years ago when I fell off a truck, landed on the lifted forks of a forklift I was using to load the said truck. I hit the folks, about 3 feet off the ground right in the lower back, falling a good 5 feet off the flatbed truck.

Sleeping on my side is a must for me due to that old injury. So sleeping on my side-. On the shoulder that is hurting I wake up, hurting. Roll over and it even hurt when I lay it on my side without weight. Or lean over, letting it hang over my chest. Pain

I don't do any weights at the gym but do use a bike for 30 minutes with handles you push/ pull during the cycles. Do 20 minutes on a lateral stepper, no hand or shoulder movements. And walk mile and half, swinging arms. 5 days a week.

Really don't want to add but my shoulder??

Just spent 20 minutes using the hand weights again, hoping that will let me sleep.

Don't know if I pulled something, or muscles strain?

Anyway- sucks not able to sleep without waking up in pain, just to not be able to find a position without it. Reminds me of my back when I overworked it over the years packing on moves, or sitting to long on a car/ truck drive.



22:15 Apr 19 2017

It sounds like a muscle streth or a cold muscle.

When we used to pull muscles on ballet we tried to lighten the pay and even "unlock" the pull with a warm shower or bath. Heat salves and we would dress warm the place it hurt

I hope soon you will feel better

22:27 Apr 19 2017

Heat I can do, will dig out the heating pad. Thanks. :)


00:07 Apr 13 2017
Times Read: 519

Been a long day. But good.

Let's see....

Taking my brother to his PT this morning we see about 15 sheriff cars at a home on the next street. Maybe that will cut down on the drug deals now. Bad when you have to put up gates, barriers to keep the endless cars out of the back of the lot, hidden from all but those who live here, like me and my family.

Took my brother to a nice steak house for lunch before his Dr. Apt. The server was a nice looking man who sung with the country music being piped in. Really good voice, deep sexy tone. I left him a ten dollar tip and wrote on the ticket the tip was in part for his singing, wonderful voice and to keep singing. Hope it made him smile when he found it. :)

Drive back home *100 miles* we stop at to run my car thru the car wash. Me and my brother are so easily entertained. The foam sprays the car and a little funny light goes up, over the car. You can see it on the windshield. Yes- as I said... easy entertained.

Today it was a bunny rabbit, in a pickup, Easter eggs spilling out the bed. :) Hey- it was cute!

Been a good day, good week, month, year. Change that I hate to face really working out for me. Blessing counted each and every day.




23:07 Apr 06 2017
Times Read: 544

From 38 to 28.


Go me!




23:15 Apr 06 2017


17:20 Apr 07 2017

Wow. good for you!!


00:19 Apr 05 2017
Times Read: 554

So this morning I am walking the track and this lady walks by me. I swear- she looks like Velma from Scooby Doo.

The hair cut, the glasses. The body shape.

The first time she walked by me I so wanted to yell out "Scooby Doo, where are you?"

But you think- someone who looks like that... I mean, the hair cut, the glasses. Are they trying to look just like her? If so- they probable like it if I say something.

But what if you get the "I get that all the time, so original." in a snarky tone.

Yeah- I know. But it is around 6:00 a.m. and my brain goes to all kinds of places walking the miles.

But she passed me two more times and I soooooo wanted to say something like...

"Would you do it for a Scoobie Snack?"


But instead I just hummed the song after she walked past. If she heard it... and didn't like it... well... change your haircut you Velma clone.

Ahh heck- now I got the whole ideal of her being a clone. A monster clone. Nah... why the hell would a monster be doing walking miles before the sun rose?


But hope she doesn't show up in the morning, now that I went there. lol




01:03 Apr 20 2017

Dang sugar, early am is hard on your imagination isn't it?


23:06 Apr 03 2017
Times Read: 584

Walking Dead fans- got a question.

When Negan was standing at the car after running from the tiger--- what was he saying?

And the King with the Tiger- what did he yell before he said "Alexandria, will not fall today!"

Can't find the answer's online and I can't understand it no matter how many times I watched it.

And the dang Closed Caption will not work, as it isn't recorded with it turned on. :/



00:55 Apr 04 2017

For Negan..that may have been the part where he saw Maggie and said the widow is still alive. I've only watched it once so far. I didn't catch watch Ezekiel said either.


01:21 Apr 03 2017
Times Read: 599

Don't you hate when you have a song on your mind but you can't think of the title. Don't know if this problem gotten any better when they put videos to the songs or not.

I see the video. It is a white male singer, on a bus... in the south. It has a very southern sound, but not country. Mississippi kind of sound.

Anyway- then the video goes to a home, a porch, and they are sitting on the porch.

I love the song because the beat to it, and it has this wonderful clapping 'thing' in it.


Now this is going to drive me nuts. But I can hear the rhythm so clearly, just not the vocals so I could look it up.

Yeap- don't know if the video's make it easier for me to remember songs or not as now it is all about the image, can recall that and the sound of the song... just not the words.

Grrrr.... this will drive me nuts. I swear if I ever remember the song and find it I will buy the stupid album as this song has always just come and went in my 'music' mind, it is that good. Sticks with ya, you know?

Well I am off to bed. Staying off Facebook, and other online sites as I will have to wait till after 4pm on Monday to see the Walking Dead season ending. Don't want any spoilers.



01:38 Apr 03 2017

type the words that you know into google. it will give you the name of the song and the artist


17:29 Apr 01 2017
Times Read: 612

Well the bathroom is done. The blue paint is no more. Now it matches the rest of the home in a soft ivory color. Yeah!

A mess, still drying but done. I just have to touch up, touch up the ceiling in spots I let my brush touch. Then drying overnight to straighten back up on Sunday.

So.... giving myself 2 hour rest as been doing the touch up/ ceiling touch up in my bedroom also since I have been at it since

8:30 a.m.


Pizza time.



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